Sunday, May 29, 2011

LOVE??LIKE??You know what is their different?I know their different...I find it in a book....

Infront the person that we like our heart happy
 *Infront the person we love our heart  dupdupdap
If we looked the person we like,we will smile
 *But if we looked eye's of the person we love,we will stiff
Infront the person we like we able to say anything
 *Infront the person we love we speechless
Infront the person we like we will show ourself
 *Infront the person we love we will go straight forward
we always staring at the person we like
*but we cannot staring at the person we love
when the person we like crying we will make him/her happy
*but  when the person we love cry we will cry too
infront the person we like only wind season
*but infront the person we love the season always spring
infront the person we like we able to straightforward
*but infront the person we love we afraid to straightforward because worried we hurt his/her feeling

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