Friday, September 2, 2011

SELAMAT ARI RAYE AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN..smoga slah dan slap diampunkan 0~0 ye..hehe..dh lama x update blog..hmm x de masa...raye tahun ni x brape meriah sngt sbb ramai sedare yg x blek..agak bosan...hmm..x tau la nk citer psal ape...bosan!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

sory..dh lama x update..x de cite yg best pon..hmm..ha !!aq nk bgytau ni drama krk smkab no 1..hehe..syok..terkejut jugak ar sbb kitaorg bnyk bley mnang..haha..rasa x caya pon ada..haha..geng kitaorg happy giler..
ni citer lain pulak...
hri2 30 jun hri jdi dpt bnyk sngt hadiah yg best2....huhh!!thnkz la kpd sape yg bgy hadiah..thanks a first wish kt fb ..sepol..yg mcj hanis..tahniah kt korang..haha...

Thursday, June 23, 2011


best ari ni coz ada hari sukan....
bnyk a jugak acara mula2 pembarisan,pas2 lompat jauh,pas2 lari..
aq 'terpaksa' masuk pembarisan pengawas dah la kene duk depan..mula2 mmg rasa x best tp lama2 ok la..x  de la teruk sngt cume segan ar coz duk dpan tp nsb baik ada abg azuan kt depan aq terlindung..
kitaorg berlatih dri ari isnin je..pas2 selasa raptai kt sek..wk2 2 haru jgak ar sbb ramai yg bru masuk pas2 spe yg x tau step jd ari ni ok la..kwan2 aq ckp ok ler..step sama..huhh!!nsib baik..
ktaorg lwn asrama x tau spe mnang..humm!!
kputusn rumah sukan:
2-panglima..yeah..satria n panglima jarak markh x jauh..
kputusan pembarisan bgy kwd rumah sukan:
3-panglima..memang hebat
kputusn pembarisan unit beruniform:
1-pbsm..tahniah..suka izuddin
2 jer la aq post utk arini..bye..

Monday, June 20, 2011


Kputusan pksr aq truk...arghhhhhhhhhhh!! dpt no.6 dlm klaz n no.9 dlm tingkatan..ermm..kwn aq ckp ok lar bgy aq x okey..sbb hri2 aq dpt no.3 dlm klaz...hmm...teruk friend aq..dlm klaz:shalin-8,hanis-12,epol-20,halim aka shah-10...dlm tingkatn..shalin-11,hanis-15,shah-brapa blaz dh lupe~hehe,epol-brape puluh tp x smpai 40 pon...sory lupe~k aq x tau nk cite psl apew..hmm..k lar aq ckp kdudukn dlm klaz 10
1-syafiqah                       7-faris
2-satish                           8-shalin
3-juvan                           9-husna
4-atikah                          10-halim
6-aq aka nisha
ok ni pulak 2 Rk2 punya top10:
3-nadia nazihah
ok smpai top3 jew  aq tau..ktua klaz diorg x nk bgy..hmm  :'(
dia ingt aq nk mempersendakn klaz dia..
tlgla aq x suke wt sume 2..

Sunday, June 19, 2011


jgn la sdey2 bwa bnyk2  bersabar  x smstinyer dia reject ko dia x suka ko..mngkn dia x sedia lgy nk terima ko..sbb hari2 kwn dia ada ckp kt aq..dia x tau nk trima ke x?sbb dia tkut dia dikecewakn lgy x rasa dia x suka rasa dia pon suka tngk mata dia pon aq tau..cuma dia x tau nk terima ke x?sbb ari2 dia ada kapel ngn mamat ni..tiba2 mamat ni permainkn dia..2 la dia tolak ko..mngkn dia tkut ko akn permainkn ko jgn risau just akn tolong akn tnye npe dia reject ko..insyaallah ada  la rezeki ko..jgn la sdey2 lgy k..stiap masalah msti ada jln penyelesaiannya..hari2 ada la aq ckp kt dia ko x dtg sbb ko frust..dia mcm ssh hati jew aq tngk..kwn dia pulk tnye ye kew?pas2 aq diam jer ckp btul ni..
ni utk  org lain pulak::
jgn risau msti ada sbb dia delete ko..ko ckp sbb jelez kn..ala sabar jer la..dia syang kt ko 2 sbb 2 dia delete ko sbb jelez..kesian ko ..ko yg jd mangsa sbb jelez dia..jgn risau...insyaallah dia msti add ko blek..dia marah 2 pon kjap jew..jgn risau ar..klu ada jodoh ko ngn dia..ko msti ngn dia jgak..
ape ape pon aq harap korg sabar..
insyaallah korg akn berstu jgak dngn pilihn hati korg
klu  ada jodoh korg..
aq doakn smoga korang jmpa Mr.right n miss perfect korang ..amin...

im what!!!

kawan aq suruh aq wt cintan~cintan tp mna aq reti..x pe xpe skrg kurg nyer aq try..

ok kita mulakn..jgn gelak pulak...malula aq
..k aq still single....nk wt cmne dh x de org nk..:'(..apa kn aq blm la terdesak lgy nk couple klu bley msk u nnti brula nk mla cintan2 skunk ni kecik lagy mna bley gedix3 nn ti kene marah..
tp kan aq tngk ramai org yg sama usia ngn aq @ lbey muda pda aq dh pandai bf/gf ni..isk3..kecik lgy ler..dh pandai...ingt la study..bley klu nk couple tp couple la tuk perkara kbaikn cnthnyer sma2 lawan tuk sama2 tp jgn berdua-duaan pulak nnti ada org langn kwn2..jgn asyk nk pegi dating jew..drpd pegi hotel,tmn sume 2 lbey baik pergi library lgy bgoz..x de klu pergi hotel ke tmn kew..msti ada maksiat..tngn x ley nk duk diam msti ada jew...astaghfirullah'alazim..bertaubatla..
baik pergi library lgy sarankan kp couple2 yg ada kt luar sna 2..klu nk dating ,datingla kt library..x de ruginyer..bnyk lagy faedah drpd pergi tmpt2 maksiat 2 ..tmpt maksiat x de faedah sume kburun jew..klu prgi study..msti bnyk faedahnyer..

nnti kn klu aq couple aq nk ajak bf aq pergi dating kt library la..emm sweetnyer..
nisha..nisha..ko dh fikir pasal bnda 2..isk3..teruk betul
skunk ni aq single klu nk test market test lar insya allah aq reject..haha..
klu 10 thn lgy mngkn ar aq accept tp kne tngk dlu la..klu pnagih ker,pngedar ke.x mngkn aq x nk aq..wt pning jew..spe pompuan yg nk kt laki cm2 mmg aq tau x ler..pompuan 2 buta ker apew?laki mcm 2 pon jd..isk3..teruk betul...klu nk accept pon tngk la  org nyer main accept je..abangla pon jd..

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

drama....n markah geo

 yeah..yeah..drama krk kitorg dpt rumpelstiskin...dpt jgk apa yg aq hrp kn ..alhamdullillah...bestnyer...nsib baik x dpt cite bosan..the most boring..ahli geng drama ckp klu dpt black beauty kitaorg dh ada org dia x msuk drama ar...lwak doe..jahat diorg..sbb bdak 2 black korg ckp cm2..emm kesian3....yeah yg aq tau aq happy..hhaha......
ha ada lgy 1 citer..akhirnyer dpt A geo alhamdullillah..hri 2 dpt 100 tp yg ni turun ckit jd 87..sma ngn t-kah..kitaorg pling tinngi ar..huhh!!bnggenyer nisha..bley bngga jgn sombong sudh...haha..klaz kitaorg 6  org A 19 org B yg dpt B smuanyer tinggi2 70 keatas ar...C sowang tp x pe ar aslkn dia berusaha klu dia dh dpt  bnyk 2 jew nk wt cm nk ucap congratz kan budak klaz 2 rk1....dh dpt markah tinggi 2 jgn sombong pulak...ok la 2 jew la post aq tuk ari ni ..bye..3

Saturday, June 11, 2011


 dlm post sblm ni aq ada cite psl kwn lama aq kn..yg aq ckp aq jmpa dia kt fb 2 nk tau x spe??mcm mne org nyer??handsome x??cntk x??kwn aq sumenyer cantik2...lama la aq x jmpa diorg dh dkt 4 tahun ...lma kn??emm alhamdullillah diorg ingt lgy kt aq...x ingtkn aq jew yg ingt diorg..

mula2 kn aq tngk gmbr ni mcm kwn lama aq...dia add aq terima ar,pas2 aq pegi kt profile dia sume tngk gmbr btl2..tengk betul la kwn aq...ainn...pas2 aq pegi la pulak kt friendz dia tngk 2 ada nama wk2 2 gmbr aq main add harap sngt 2 imran..tngk 2 mmg btl pon imran....hmm..pas2 aq tnk lgy kt friendz imran ..pas2 aq jmpa aliff mustaqim ni...pas2 aq add..n dia terima jgk..pas2 ada org add aq dia bley pulak ltk nma hehe aq accept je...pas2 aq tngk dia  ngn ainn bkn main rpt aq tngk kt gmbr dia..mcm knl sape ek??pas 2 aq pergi la tnye si ainn ni n dia  ckp 2 mardiyyah..oo bru aq tau..lain ye muka..pas2 tngh smbg2 ngn ainn..tba2 ada sowang minah ni mnympuk ...pas 2 aq tnye la dia sape..rpa2 nyer adilah..oo..bru aq tau...pas2 aq jmpa plk aiman...spupu si aliff...
skunk ni diorg dh success dh ada yg mask mrsm ada yg msk sek agama..

~ha yang ni imran
~dia sek kt smka toh bachok..,kelantan
~hari lahir dia 13 jun..dh nk dkt lar..esok!!
dia ni pandai tau!!
ank ckgu lagi2...haha!!
~imran..imran tngh termenung ape tu??
~yg  ni pulak adilah...
~dia sek kt smka wataniah
~dia ni pon ank ckgu jgak...
bestnyer mndi sungai nk mandi jgak lar
~adilah...adilah pas la bola 2 kt sini..hehe
~ha yang ni pulak ainn syahirah
~dia sek kt mrsm kuala krai,kelantan
~dia ni pn pandai ..dpt 5A kut wk2 upsr  dpt pegi mrsm lgy 2
~dia pon ank ckgu jgak n bapak dia polis..
muka bapak dia..pergh garang pon kecut
~dia lahir 27 april

~ha yang ni pulak aliff mustaqim..
~ensem x..ensem x??ala kwn2 aq sumenyer ensem
~dia ni pulak anak dj radio..haha
~tngk 2 mcm nk jd dj jgak 2..eceh..ceh..
~dia sek kt sek men kota bharu...
weyh alif..wt ape 2??
alamak!!lgy dua org gmbr diorg x leyh n copy mnymphnyer..
skitkn aty jew..kpd mardiyyah n aiman sory ek..bkn nye lpakn korg tp gmbr korg x ley nk copy...

Friday, June 10, 2011

disebabkn blog tuk miss dh siap..miss nk 50 aq dh siap jd free la ni..miss pon dh siap bgy mark la kut...sbb dead line 31 may n skunk 11 june aq dh free..mlz aq dh nk  wt bhasa ingeris punya posts..berbelit-belit lidah kn org melayu..sbb 2 la berbelit-belit..msti bnyk salah coz aq main redah jew..ikt ko mlz dh nk tulis bhsa ingeris..kang org ckp aq ni sje jew gedik nk jd org inggeris sbb dlm blog asyk speaking tau english education 2 pntg sbb 2 aq blaja jgk bhasa inggeris..wlaupun english aq low..but not bad x de la pndai ckp english mcm sabirah...klu aq dngr sabirah ckp bhasa inggeris ..pergh!! trcbr rasa..terer try jd cm dia tp hard kut...ssh doe..sbb aq kene fikir bla aq speaking tersekat sekat..klu sabirah straight je..seriously aq kagum ngn tuk post ni aq nk wt bhasa mlyu jer klu org baca x de la gelak...nk tau nape diorg gelak??sbb diorg detect aq punye bi sorry tau..jgn la gelak klu bca posts bi aq sbb 2 adalh tuk miss smata-mata....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

huhh!!in this holiday..iam very boring..i dont go anywhere..i only make homeworks...there were so many homeworks that i had to finish..(2 la bnyk salah lgy) ..haha..i miss my friend so much..i dont want stay at home i feel like i want to go to school n stay there with my friend n no need to study..haha..

Saturday, June 4, 2011

happy birthday to nurul naziha armani....(my sister)today,is her 18th birthday...good luck..hope you always happy n long live..haha..btw..i tell you little about her okeyh???she is my second sister..she studied at sime darby college in course health care...she born at hosp. kuala lumpur..a sporting sister but very3 sensitive..:-)haha..........she like to watch korean ask her about movie..all she know..walaupon cite 2 blm ditayangkn lgy...haha...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

   today,i go to school to practise drama like always... people who don't come is ammar,syafiqrul,aiman n hanis...ammar said he sick...while hanis went to mallaca...syafiqrul because his house is far from school...n aiman i don't know.....something happen today...we all waste time practise drama because when miss mahani read the letter that content the rules n whatever to enter the know what??the most stupid thing we must take vote for the topic....n also the most stupid thing is all the topic for  the drama is very   very boring.....that is flipping fantastic,one is one and all alone,rumpelstiltskin,n black beauty...quite okay is is one and all alone is about clone(very boring),flipping fantastic is about 2 beauty is about horse..who  will be the horse..crazy right??miss mahani had call the principle of smk raja shahriman,people who is decided the topic....but he talk back to miss..."you talk so more until i can't talk back"...huhh!!miss ask him how if we take other topic that is not include in the topic that it gave...he said we will meeting after the school school holiday???the date of the competition is 29 june n they want to discuss about it after school holiday...argh..soooo bad...whats more we have to practise only 3  weeks...huhh!!

Monday, May 30, 2011


i don't know what should i share with you:
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights
See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while

'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring

And said, marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes

Oh, oh, oh, oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you


     At 9 a.m,my friend and i go to school to practise drama for krk....hahaha..we were very happy  2 person don't come that is Hanis n Hazwan...there we makes many jokes n the most cheerful joke is about syafiqrul...syafiqrul is one of the member of the drama,he very emosional..huhh!!very bad...shalin my friend said he emo because he had period..hahaha...n aiman ask him"p-koi smlm mesti ko x tidur lena kn??sbb ko x pakai carefree...." funny..n he just shut up..what's more he said to aiman,shalin n me..."shutup"but he said quite funny n all the people there laugh at him....aiman said more"p-koi,prgi la beli carefree...dh meleleh tu"...n i said"2 la madura dkt jer prgila"..hahahaha....n you know what...after finish the drama aiman fall to the ground on the stage....hahaha..all the people laugh..aiman only smile...that was the punishment because makes wrong to syafiqrul..hahaha...i will reminds this in my lifetime....


  Last night,the winner of the reality programme,mentor had goes to SALMA!!protege ERRA FAZIRA...she got RM100 000 n chevrolet cruze  whila erra fazira got RM100!!amazing....the second place goes to shiha!!protege Datuk Sharifah Aini..she got RM50 000 n vespa while Datuk Sharifah Aini got RM30 000...the third place goes to iqa..protege Edry..she got RM10 000 only...hahaha..congratulations to 3 of you....
This song is given by my friend admirer to my friend..hahahaaha...
 Mengapa kau pergi
Mengapa kau pergi
Di saat aku mulai mencintaimu
Berharap engkau jadi kekasih hatiku
Malah kau pergi jauh dari hidupku
Menyendiri lagi
Menyendiri lagi
Di saat kau tinggalkan diriku pergi
Tak pernah ada yang menghiasi hariku
Di saat aku terbangun dari tidurku

Aku inginkan dirimu
Datang dan temui aku
Kan ku katakan padamu
Aku sangat mencintai dirimu
Aku inginkan dirimu
Datang dan temui aku
Kan ku katakan padamu
Aku sangat mencinta
Menyendiri lagi
Menyendiri lagi
Di saat kau tinggalkan diriku pergi
Tak pernah ada yang menghiasi hariku
Di saat aku terbangun dari tidurku
Aku inginkan dirimu
Datang dan temui aku
Kan ku katakan padamu
Aku sangat mencintai dirimu
Aku inginkan dirimu
Datang dan temui aku
Kan ku katakan padamu
Aku sangat mencinta
Semoga engkau kan mengerti
Tentang perasaan ini
Maaf ku telah terbuai
Akan indahnya cinta
Maaf sungguh ku tak bisa
Untuk kembali padamu
Maaf ku telah terbuai
Akan indahnya cinta
Aku inginkan dirimu
Datang dan temui aku
Kan ku katakan padamu
Aku sangat mencintai dirimu
Aku inginkan dirimu
Datang dan temui aku
Kan ku katakan padamu
Aku sangat mencinta
Aku inginkan diri mu
Datang dan temui aku
Kan ku katakan padamu
Aku sangat mencinta

Sunday, May 29, 2011

This one of my favourite song:
malay song:
Kau ibarat permata
Di dalam hiasan kaca
Yang tak bisa disentuh
Namun hanya boleh dipandang
Ingin sekali ku sentuh
Ingin jua ku memiliki
Kau selalu membuat hatiku merasa berat
Dan kau yang selalu ada
Saat semua pergi
Bagaimana mungkin
Untuk kau mengerti

Kini telah ku sedari
Mimpiku tak bererti sendiri
Andai kau tahu
Apa yang ku mahu
Mahukan dirimu ‘tuk mendekatiku
Dan aku tak bisa memaksa dirimu
Walau dalam tidur
Ku kan menantimu hingga akhir nanti
Kau selalu membuat hatiku merasa berat
Dan kau yang selalu ada
Saat semua pergi
Bagaimana mungkin
Untuk kau mengerti
Kini telah ku sedari
Mimpiku tak bererti sendiri
Ulang Chorus 2X

   On 24 june,my school will held Sports Day...hahaha will be held at 'Majlis Pembandaran Manjung' would be a grand day to smkab n insyaAllah 'Panglima' will win...yeah!!it would be a best moment...go panglima go!!panglima be the winner ...yes or not??


  I don't know what i should tell you...okay lar...last week,my member had to tell a story .....i got no.25..hahaha..i like it...i can hafaz it with smooth...i take story,the ugly duckling story told about a ugly duckling that is not accept by his day,he change to a beautiful swans n many people like him...praise be to Allah..the presention going well n i satisfied with my presentation...


        Last month,my class member had to speech infront the class....the teacher will gives us the topic underspot n we must think the contents n what we want to say .....huhh!!very hard..i got no.7 to go infront...huhh!!good luck got erly number...i don't want wait to would be difficult if we got last number...n's go smooth...


my team drama had won the second prize in Manjung District English Drama smk methodist(ACS)my team were very happy with this achievement..the fourth place goes to smk methodist(ACS),the third place goes to smjk nan hwa,the second prize goes to our school ,smk ahmad boestamam...and the winner is smjk ayer team were very proud because we are form2 student but we can overcome form4 and form5 student.and my teacher said we did a good job!!!there i be acquainted with aboy frm smjk ayer tawar n he won the best actor in this competition ...he very sporting guy n my friends have the chance take picture with him....yeah!! this web i confirm if you one of the people who loves korean music like will like this...n also this song is easy to sing along....whats more the drama was so amazing..n the best 4 me..because iam like korean drama... have to rewatch it again.......
Arghhh!!i am stressed..examination around the corner..all notes be importantn have to read all that..all chapter in form1 be important n i had to read..huhh!!tention!!i can't relax anymore..i have to study study n mid year exam results so bad n i have to study..


  My class,2RK1 had twice be winner for the clean class class member were very happy n don't believed it..1RKA n 2RKA want to compete with our class but my class member will not easily give them win this competition..we will upgrade the class to be the most beautiful class in the school..hahaha!!my class will be the champion!!no other class can be the champion only my class,2RK1 can be the champion!!hahhaha


Yes..yes..yes...i found my old friends...after 4 years separated..i love you friends..n also thanks tofb..i found them in this social network...i miss them so much....4 years ago, i am very sad when my mother said we  must move from kelantan...i  don't want separated from my bestfriend but i had to...i pray that i will meet them and now praise be to Allah..i had meet them in a social network(fb)..all of them,success and happily nowi hope they know and rememmber me...i very delighted...i don't want separated again..i want meet them if i can..but kelantan to far from where i stay now and my family so busy and don't have any matter there...
but i want to say:I LOVE MY FRIENDS....


My beloved cat had lost...i had find it but i cant found .....i am very sad...huhh!!iam not a responsible girl....arghh...miow where are you??maybe you had died...argh!!no!!no!!you cant die now...i love you...i want you...come home..please.....
Where is my old posts......oh no!!!it has been missing!!my teacher want to check today n now it missing....what can i do now...after this i had to go to drama...i have no idea now to create a new posts...miss mahani want to look 50 posts n now i only have 35 posts....oh no!!!i have to finish another 15 posts....arghhhh...i have to type very fast i can do.....huhh!!if  this blog dont have 50 posts i will get 0 mark.....oh no!!i dont want it happen to to me....i want highest mark...but what i can do...
LOVE??LIKE??You know what is their different?I know their different...I find it in a book....

Infront the person that we like our heart happy
 *Infront the person we love our heart  dupdupdap
If we looked the person we like,we will smile
 *But if we looked eye's of the person we love,we will stiff
Infront the person we like we able to say anything
 *Infront the person we love we speechless
Infront the person we like we will show ourself
 *Infront the person we love we will go straight forward
we always staring at the person we like
*but we cannot staring at the person we love
when the person we like crying we will make him/her happy
*but  when the person we love cry we will cry too
infront the person we like only wind season
*but infront the person we love the season always spring
infront the person we like we able to straightforward
*but infront the person we love we afraid to straightforward because worried we hurt his/her feeling
Huhh...Arghh!!!forget password...what is my blog password???stress...tension..mad..all in my feelings..huhh!! I   have to get another blog..huhh!!! I have to copy all that i had write in my old blog..(very tired)..arghh!! who can help me to copy all that to this blog???this tme, i should put easy password and can remember that password..(relax..relax..should get it easy) huhh!!!some of the post in this blog is take at my old blog....
Next year,i will be from 3 student and have to do PMR..Arghh!!!So,i have to use time properly and spent time with do revisions...Very boring but i have to..My homework also inerease and i dont have time to finish the homework..Only when teacher didnt come to school or the school hare activities or spot,my homework decrease and in  weekend i can relax...huhh!!!
I dont know what should i share with you...This is one of favourite Malay song..."Suara Berharap"from Hijau Daun...This song very meaningful.
Di sini ku masih sendiri
Merenungi hari-hari sepi
Aku tanpamu,masih tanpamu

Bila esok hari datang lagi
Ko coba hadapi semua ini
Meski tanpamu..
meski tanpamu...

Bila aku dapat bintang yang berpinjar
Mentari yang tenang bersamaku disini
Ku dapat tertawa nangis merenung
Di tempat ini aku bertahan

Suara dengarkanlah aku
Apa khabarnya pujaan hati ku
Aku disini menunggunya
Masih berharap  di dalam hatinya

Suara dengarkan lah aku
Apakah aku selalu dihatinya
Aku disini menunggunya
Masih berharap di dalam hatinya

Kalau ku masih tetap disini
Ku lewati semu yang terjadi
Aku menunggumu..
Aku menunggu....

Suara dengarkanlah aku
Apa khabarnya pujaan hatiku
Aku di sini menunggunya
Masih berharap di dalam hatinya

Suara dengarkanlah aku
Apakah aku ada di hatinya
Aku disini menunggunya
Masih berharap di dalamhatinya.......


Last year,my class 1RK1 had to make a film.My class divided to two group.......Sabirah,Safarwani,Shalin,Fadilah,Hanis,Syafiq Rul,Afiq,Iqbal and mein a same group...we tille our film...Scorophyx phyruzz....This year,maybe my group can finished the film..I very excited and i eager to see the film...The unfinishe game....scorophyx phyruzz...wait for the film!!!


My english teacher,miss mahani had gave my class a homework..we had to make a scrapbook about our holiday n we must sent it at 10 january 2011..its difficult 4 me because i dont had any printer so i had to go to my friend house..thats good because my friend safarwani nice to me n she helped me print the pictures.....

2 RK 1

  2RK1 is my class name..for this year...2011..there are 14 girls n 12 boys in the class..i am very happy..sometimes,i felt like i still form1 n not form2 student..the class teacher still the same..puan hamidah..n the monitor is syafiqrul..its funny but okay lar..shalin has to be assistant monitor..she doesnt want to be syafiqrul assistant but she has to be..iam pity to her...


 We have to do drama again..n now it for krk(kelas rancangan khas)..the member are me(nisha),hanis,shalin,aina emeera,atira,atikah,halim(shah),ibnun,hazwan,aiman,syafiqrul,alif,juvan n ammar...aina emeera be the director..the competition on 27 june 2011..n miss mahani be our guided teacher(very straight)hhahaa..we wish to win n prove to others that we can do our best..the topic for our drama is 'secret'..but we only had to choose one from the literature's very boring but we had change it to the exciting drama..hahaaha...insyaallah we  will be a winner..AMIN


    On 27 may 2011,my school had teacher's celebrate teacher....the teachers were very happy...after teaching..teaching n teaching n serious all the time  and at that day they happy..all the teachers smile n get a lot of know what???on that day,prefect must do a presentation n we only know second day before the day...on 26 may we practise it..n what's more we practiseonly 2 hours..hahaha..early in the morning,we got the script..only a few of the prefect hafaz it..good luck the song is easy n we always hear it(kau ilhamku)n we present it n the others said it okay...hahaha..very very bad


 When first time i hear my teacher name..i am speechless..her name is exactly same with my mother name..salasiah bt abdullah....n what's more her birthday is one day before my birthday....her birthday  is 29 june while i 30 june...hahaha...there are many teachers name in smkab same like my family name..hahaha
               SALASIAH BT ABDULLAH- my mother name
              SUMIYATI                             -my sister name
                MAWARNI                          -my name
          hahaha..i dont know why??pn.salasiah(my teacher)when i told her  her name is same like my mother name she dont believed at the first time n she told me when she was small she felt nobody has name like her..i only laugh when she say that.....hahaha


    I got netbook 1malaysia  last week..iam very happy...on 21  may 2011,my mother n i had go to school to received the given by ''SURUHANJAYA KOMUNIKASI DAN MULTIMEDIA MALAYSIA"(SKMM)...the receiver must arrive before 8:30 o'clock..when i get there,there were many people...i had to register before i got the netbook..what's more,we had to wait Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha...its very boring...after 3 hours waiting ,datuk comes n gave only to 12 person..zzzz..then, i go back with my new netbook..hahaha...


    When i get science paper,i  felt like i want to cry n very very stressed....only 55%??? so so bad....i had do my best but i only got 55 marks...oh no!!the highest mark go to halim(my bff)71%..and one of my classmates failed.the teacher very very upset with ours..she challenge halim to get 90++ in next time exam..i flt sorry to her..when i greeting her hand,she fist my hand n she said she hope at me..while i got only 55 marks..i felt very sad..n i will do my best in next time exam...insyaAllah...

PPT 2011

 you know what???i only got 3A in ppt 2011..there only 2 paper i dont get from my teachers that is geography n english...i  am very time, ishould domore exercises...if i told my mother about this i confirm she will angry n will  snatch my handset n will not let me on9,i only hope at english??huhh..i dont know...actually,my english is weak than the others subject...this is my results for pre mid year examination and mid year examination:                                                                              
  BAHASA MELAYU-75                                                          -76
 ENGLISH LANGUAGE-78                                                     -?
 GEOGRAPHY-100                                                                    -?
 HISTORY-65                                                                             -67
DEUTSCH(BAHASA JERMAN)-83                                          -85
 MATHEMATICS-?A                                                                 -90(not sure)
KH(PERDAGANGN&KEUSAHAWANAN)-64                       -75
RELIGION-92                                                                             -88
 SCIENCE-53                                                                              -55
                          all worst.....very very very bad..                 



ON 27TH FEBRUARY 2010, my family and I went to Sungkai in Perak to attending my cousin wedding day. The bride was very beautiful and handsome.They entertain guest with delicious food like ‘Nasi Beriani’,meat curry,fried chicken and orange juice


Every Saturday night, I always spend my leasure time at Lumut Hall..I participating karaoke competition.


I have a bestfriend and her name is Puteri Nilam Kencana Bt Harmaini.She is a kind,friendly person. When she grows up,she wants to be lecturer.Her hobby is reading storybooks.She birth on 28 March 1997 at Rumah Bersalin ,Tanjung Pinang,Riau,Indonesia.Her motto is always success in life........


Last Tuesday, my family and I went to the cinema to watch a movie entitle AVATAR..we went there by car. I was very excited and happy..The story really entertained me…

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our Gang

You know what?? I have gang.. so fascinating!! We don't know how we could unite to be a gang?? But we very sporting, open~minded and needed for each other.. My gang is me (Nisha), Hanis, Shalin, Halim and Saiful. (nishalishaful)...
Hanis    ~ give best opinion 

Shalin     ~sporting
                                                 ~gives happy story ( if we're boring)
                                  ~sensitive (sometimes)

Halim ~ Handsome (uekkk!!)
~sporting guy

Saiful ~ handsome zzzzz..

Friday, May 13, 2011


My favourite food is chicken rice and chocolate.I like it because it is delicious.When my mother cooked it,I will eat it with appetite.but my mother dont let me it chocolate.....because she worried i will obesity..n now i don't eat chocolate..only when my mother didnt saw i stole eating the chocolate...yummy!!yummy!!best....i hope my weight don't more than 50.....AMIN..

Sport day

last Thursday, my school created 'Sport Day' at town council stadium.I was very happy on that day. I entered parade competition represented my sport house that is Panglima.


My favourite subject is Deutsch. It is a new subject for me. We start from basic
ABC ……That’s very interesting!!learning german language is easier than english..we don't need to read books just have fun in the class,listen to the teacher n join in..i just have to learn from mistakes, ask my teacher n do whatever she wants me to is true,it was tough at first but sooner it will become as easy as ABC n without noticing i can actually speak german..


My full name is Nurul Nisha Mawarnie Bt Mohd Rawi.I was born on the thirty of June.I’m fourteen years old.I have 5 siblings.I like to play badminton and netball.I also like watching television.My favourite programme is Korean movie.I enjoy reading.I read mysteries,adventure,fantasies and horror.I like to eat chicken rice.


Last Sunday,my uncle passed a away.The corpse carried to my hometown.I was very sad.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I have bad disposition. My bad disposition are always postponed my work, wasting time and obstinate.


My idole is Prophet Muhammad SAW. I like him because of his impartial


ON 27TH FEBRUARY 2010, my family and I went to Sungkai in Perak to attending my cousin wedding day. The bride was very beautiful and handsome.They entertain guest with delicious food like ‘Nasi Beriani’,meat curry,fried chicken and orange juice


ON 12TH MARCH 2010,I received a good news from my elder sister.She got 6A+ in
SPM.ON 12TH MARCH 2010,I received a good news from my elder sister.


ON 8TH MARCH 2010,my family celebrated my sister’s birthday.I gave her a present and said ‘Happy Birthday’.


I fell down in front of my enemy house when riding bicycle…I saw Meriam laughed at me with such an annoying voice.. I wish to kick her but my mother called me home… I wish to pay the revenge one day…

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

my school holiday

During school holiday, we went to Kuala Lumpur. We go to KLCC and National Science Centre..there were many busy....but i get many information...n i think i want to go there in next school has go superb...i like it...if i have  time in next time holiday,i want to go to kelantan meet my friends..if my family can't go there i want to go there  with bus....i can't go now because i am busy with study n drama....insyaAllah one day i go there...AMIN

The person i hate

There is a person.She likes to make me upset.She lie about the stuff borrow from me.Actually ,the stuff is at her now but she said she do not have the stuff so i just shut up..although i know the stuff at her.... I very hate her.But now she has move from where i school now...i don't know why she always take my stuff without my permission...but i had forgive her..i dont want to hate to other person..if we hate someone ,someone will hate me .......


Last month,I did my english presentation .It is mainly about my family tree.I presented my maternal family .I present it on Tuesday.While I was talking about my family,my english teacher recorded it.I was very nervous that time.Eyes are watching me everywhere.But I think I did great. ...this post is actually in 2010...i copy from my old sorry....because i don't have more time to finish this blog...i don't have i just copy n paste......


I have a favourite teacher in primary school... and her name is Zunaida Binti Ahmad.She teaches science and mathematics.She is kind person.She is responsible and always take care of her pupil. she teaches at sk simpang empat....what she tell me all  in my head..i still remember what she told me before though i form2 now..i very love  her...she likes my mother..


At last! My blog is finished! Thanks to Ms. for giving me this task. If not, I won't be able to write blog and I'll stay in my space not knowing anything. Thank You everyone that help me with this task!!!


Last month,my sister got a new laptop.You know she slept at 6;00 a.m. You think she......? i think she very don't play orang asli...orang asli is more than sister level same as orang is bad sister right???hahaha...if she read this i confirm she will cut my head..hahaha....